Respectful, caring and inclusive environment
All EMSB schools, adult and vocational centres, as well as the EMSB Administration building are closed today, Friday, December 23, 2022 due to poor weather conditions.

For up-to-date information, please visit us on Twitter or Facebook @englishmtl:


School Policies

  • Marymount is a home and a community for all of us. Take pride in who we are and where we come from.
  • Stay committed to your studies, your goals, and your responsibilities here.
  • Marymount is a place where we help build each other up. Seek help when you struggle and offer help to those who need.
  • Everybody deserves a fair chance. Treat those around you with respect, dignity and kindness, and you’ll get the same in return.
  • High School is your chance to show what you are capable of. Don’t rob yourself of that opportunity.
  • Your potential, your responsibilities, & your successes all lie in your hands, so make the most of them.

Marymount School Policies



  • All students are to conduct themselves with respect towards all members of the school community
  • Each student is to arrive on time
  • Each student must be prepared to participate in class.
  • Each student is responsible for completing required assignments.
  • Each student must respect deadlines (individual and group).
  • When students are absent they are responsible for obtaining all missedwork. 
  • Students must make all reasonable efforts to remain in good standing.


  • Work with the school to ensure your child’s success by monitoring his/her dailyprogress.
  • Provide an appropriate work space and learning environment.
  • If you have any concerns about your child’s progress, please contact the teacher.


  • Teachers will contact parents when students are not fulfilling their obligations.
  • When a student is experiencing academic difficulties and may be at risk, parents will be called in to discuss possible solutions (tutorials, IEPs,etc.).


  • All students are to conduct themselves with respect towards all members of the school community
  • Each student is to arrive on time
  • Each student must be prepared to participate in class.
  • Each student is responsible for completing required assignments.
  • Each student must respect deadlines (individual and group).
  • When students are absent they are responsible for obtaining all missedwork. 
  • Students must make all reasonable efforts to remain in good standing.


  • Work with the school to ensure your child’s success by monitoring his/her dailyprogress.
  • Provide an appropriate work space and learning environment.
  • If you have any concerns about your child’s progress, please contact the teacher.


  • Teachers will contact parents when students are not fulfilling their obligations.
  • When a student is experiencing academic difficulties and may be at risk, parents will be called in to discuss possible solutions (tutorials, IEPs,etc.).

Students at Marymount Academy wear a uniform to school every day. The school uniform consists of the following items:

  • Marymount Polo – short or long sleeve
  • Marymount Button up blouse – with schooltie
  • Marymount Sweater – cardigan or ¼ zip sweater
  • Black dress pants
  • Marymount black skirt

Physical Education:

  • Marymount t-shirt
  • Marymount shorts OR Marymount sweatpants

To order the school uniform, please go to the website below:

  1. First, create an account to be able to see the uniform items (link to create an account will appear on that page).
  2. Choose the items and quantity you wish to order, and submit.
  3. Students who require a personalized fitting can contact the supplier directly to arrange an appointment.
  4. All orders will arrive after August 1st, but prior to the first day of school. You will be notified by the supplier when they arrive.
  5. It is recommended that students have a few of each of them required items from the selection (example, 2 polos, 2 pants, 2 sweats/shorts and t-shirts), but this is at parents’ discretion.

For tailored fittings, please call the uniform supplier directly.

Pro Action Uniforms
3544 Rue Ashby
Saint-Laurent, QC H4R 2C1
(438) 239-9000


Please remember the following:

Students may choose to wear either the POLO option, or the BLOUSE & TIE option for tops. As the blouse and tie options are being phased out, there will be limited supply of these items.

If choosing legacy uniform items such as the button up blouse, students must wear the accompanying tie, fitted properly at the neck, at all times.

All items must bear the Marymount school logo and are available for purchase at our uniform supplier, with the exception of the black dress pants. Pants can be purchased elsewhere, so long as they meet the criteria:

Pants MUST be of dress pant design. Jeans, track pants, or other types are NOT part of the school uniform and are not acceptable at school. Marymount sweat pants are NOT acceptable pants to be worn in regular classes.

If you have further questions about the uniform items, or our uniform and dress code, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Marymount Academy is a place of growth, learning, and development. For this to happen, our school must be a safe and orderly environment for all its members. As such, there are specific rules and guidelines that all members must follow. These rules and guidelines are outlined in multiple sections of this agenda and addressed in each individual classroom by our teachers and other staff.

In general, these policies all follow the values and beliefs that are commonly shared in our school.

  • All members of our school must be treated with respect, at alltimes.
  • No person is permitted to make our school environment unsafe forothers.
  • No person is allowed to interfere with the learning and development of others.
  • Students must always demonstrate honesty and take ownership and responsibility for their words and actions.

Specifically, there are some transgressions of school rules that are deemed serious offences, which must be dealt with in a non-negotiable manner. These are considered ZERO Tolerance Issues. In the following circumstances, students will be suspended for up to 5 days, and possibly transferred to another school:

  • Involvement in acts of violence against others (student or adult), within our school, or in the community. 
  • Possession, use, or distribution of any illegal substances such as (but not limited to) drugs oralcohol 
  • Possession of weapons or other dangerousobjects. 
  • Harassment, intimidation, and/or bullyingbehaviour. 
  • Any act that is criminal in nature (vandalism, theft,etc.)

Take note that transgressions of the school discipline policies are not limited by the physical grounds of the school. Students who are involved in situations outside of school property (or school hours) which may precipitate issues at school, may still be subject to consequences (example: cyber bullying between students over the weekend).

The application ofschool suspensions and/or transfer are at the sole discretion of the school administration. The degree and nature of such consequences is a decision that is uniquely subject to the judgement of the administrative team. Parents are expected, at all times, to work in cooperation with the school such situations.

We work hard to ensure our school is a safe environment for all. We have a Safe School Action Plan that outlines our strategies to take a proactive approach to school life, with a variety of pro-social activities and resources that promote positive approaches to the school environment. Our primary goals, in addition to academic success, is socialization and student safety, and all decisions will be made with the well-being of all students in mind.

Should any student be facing situations that are harmful, unjust, or otherwise in breach of our school code of conduct, (and are beyond regular classroom discipline issues dealt with by the teacher), we strongly encourage that student to reach out the administration so we can help.

Students may be assigned a school detention (after school) by the administration, for any number of discipline issues. This may include arriving late to school, minor uniform infractions, inappropriate behavior, etc. Please note that:

  1. If a student fails to attend detention, they may receive asuspension.
  2. Students will not be permitted to participate in extra-curricular activities unless they serve their detentions and/or suspensions in full.

Classroom teachers may assign detentions to their students for infractions including, but not limited to: Being late for class, not being prepared for class, not doing assigned written or study work in class or at home, not having tests or agenda signed as required, disturbing the class, leaving class without permission. Teacher Detentions will take place at the discretion of the teacher.

May be assigned to students for acts including, but not limited to: littering, causing a mess, misbehavior, or any act that the administration sees as a suitable consequence.

May be assigned at the discretion of the Principal or Vice-Principal. Parents will be informed. The student’s parent/guardian must meet with the Principal or Vice-Principal to discuss the terms of re- admission on most occasions.

May be arranged at the discretion of the Principal and the school board for certain infractions. The student will remain suspended until the transfer can be arranged. This is in keeping with the E.M.S.B. Safe Schools Policy.

Asthe school calendar provides a generous vacation schedule, we strongly discourage family trips which result in students’ missing school. Such absences hurt the student whose work is interrupted. Our curriculum is quite demanding, therefore class attendance is crucial. We strongly recommend that parents DO NOT plan trips during formal exam periods (i.e. midyear and final exams).

Copying the work of another without proper attribution is plagiarism. A student guilty of plagiarizing work will be given a score of zero, and the parents will be informed.

Please note that the Administration deals with students as individuals, and that the administration therefore reserves the right to interpret the rules within the context of both the child and the transgression.

The school building and yard is for the use of Marymount students only. Visitors, including parents and former students must obtain written permission at the office to be in the building. Students must report outsiders in the school.

Emergency situations may arise whereby students must be dismissed from school early (i.e.: extremely bad weather, no cafeteria services, power failures, loss of heat or water, etc.). The school will NOT contact each student’s parent/guardian, but students will have access to the office phone. Students who have nowhere to go, will be permitted to remain at school until the end of the regular school day. Parents are strongly encouraged to set up a plan of action with their child for such emergencies.

If you drive your child to school, please DO NOT ENTER THE STAFF PARKING LOT, OR THE SCHOOL YARD WITH YOUR VEHICLE! This is a dangerous practice, and can result in a child being injured. Let your children off on Cote St. Luc Road in front of the school, or further down the hill.


Organization is a vital component of academic success. Students are expected to make proper use of the school agenda throughout the school year. If a student loses their agenda, it can be replaced at a cost of $12.00, payable at the main office.

During the lunch period, students are not permitted on the first, second or third floors – including locker areas. Water is permitted at all times. No food or drink is allowed in classrooms at all times. Students are expected to spend the lunch period in the cafeteria, the school yard, the library (limited number of spaces available), STEP,the gyms or themusic area. Exceptionsforteachertutorials and staffsupervised activities will require writtenpermission.

All students will be assigned a locker. Students may not exchange or change lockers, nor may they take occupancy of a vacant locker without the authorization from the administration. Students must keep their lock combinations confidential. It is prohibited to open, tamper with, or use another student’s book or coat locker for any reason – even with the student’s consent. Pupils are responsible for maintaining their lockers, both inside and out, in neat and clean fashion throughout the year. Stickers are strictly forbidden. Marymount Academy reserves the right to inspect student lockers at anytime.

The use of cell phones, and other electronic devices is permitted in the classroom only under instruction of the teacher. It is at the discretion of the teacher to permit or deny the use of these devices. Failure to respect this rule will be considered insubordination which becomes a disciplinary issue and may result in the confiscation of the device. In some cases, parents may be asked to meet with administration if there is inappropriate use of the device. The school will not be responsible for any items that are lost or stolen.

Students are advised to NOT bring expensive items including jewelry, hats, clothing and shoes at school. The school will not accept responsibility for lost or stolen items (including textbooks). Found articles should be given in at the office.

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