Respectful, Caring, and Inclusive Environment

For up-to-date information, please visit us on Twitter or Facebook @englishmtl:

EMSB strongly opposes proposed law to expand religious symbols ban
EMSB marks Violence and Bullying Prevention Week
EMSB Vocational Training students win medals at Skills Olympics
Discover Our New Podcast for Parents!
Sneaker Cupid returns to James Lyng High School
Steam @ East Hill: Term 1 Is A Wrap!
EMSB kicks off Black History Month & Hooked On School Week by honouring the late Dr. Horace I. Goddard
Quebec Finance Minister Girard and local MNA Setlakwe visit Carlyle School
EMSB prepares to take Bill 21 case to the Supreme Court
“Ode to Joy” brings EMSB together for a month of music
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