Respectful, caring and inclusive environment
All EMSB schools, adult and vocational centres, as well as the EMSB Administration building are closed today, Friday, December 23, 2022 due to poor weather conditions.

For up-to-date information, please visit us on Twitter or Facebook @englishmtl:


Code of Conduct

Students are expected to adhere to the EMSB’s Code of Conduct. The Marymount Code of Conduct is intended to supplement it and help the development of the Marymount community. In addition, the Code of Learning has been established to assist students and staff alike to foster appreciation for a classroom environment that enhances the learning experience for all participants. More details on both codes are further explained in following pages.

The Marymount Academy International Code of Conduct

I will conduct myself with the utmost integrity throughout my time at Marymount Academy International. Specifically, I will:

  • Submit only original work, giving credit to others where appropriate;
  • Not give or receive unauthorized aid in examinations or on assignments;
  • Represent myself honestly to members of the Marymountcommunity
  • Appropriately represent Marymount to the outsideworld.

I will treat all members of the Marymount Academy International community with respect and civility. Specifically, I will:

  • Respect the rights and property ofothers;
  • Actively work to enhance others’ learning experience as well as myown;
  • Will never make personal attacks on other students, faculty or staff;and
  • Will never post or distribute offensive material or messages on the internet or in any otherformats.

The Marymount Academy International Code of Learning

I will invest myself fully in the Marymount Academy International experience by adopting the attitude of a learner. I will:

  • Arrive to class with proper materials andbooks
  • Prepare thoroughly for class by doing any necessary prepwork
  • Arrive for sessions on time and remain for the duration of the class
  • Participate actively in class discussions
  • Recognize that the classroom is the responsibility of the teacher who may establish specific expectations of students
  • Notify the school of absences, late arrivals or earlydepartures
  • Attend not only the classroom sessions, but also organized events outside of the classroom, such as tutorials, extra-curricular activities and school outings.
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